
old times cavalier those madam… said thus, but she didn't reply…"
Galina Ledentsova, Vladimir
Bystrov ("Emergency exit" group)
of Vladimir Bystrov and Galina Ledentsova "…in old times one cavalier
those madam… said thus, but she didn't reply…" is devoted to the
dialog as a ritual. Authors are trying to overcome postmodernism
estrangement and give opportunity for communication by the theatrelization
and ritualization of life.
Name of the exhibition is the quatation from an ancient Japanese
literature(Ise Monogotori) , man (V. Bystrov) depicted on the one
of the monitors is reading aloud extracts from it.Woman silently
listened to him is depicted on the second monitor (G.Ledentsova).
From time to time characters are reaching out arms for a cup of
tea or for cigarettes out of the still's bounds, at that getting
from one screen to another. Installation is supplemented with a
videoprojection of the reading text on the gallery's wall.
Galina Ledentsova graduated from Moscow Poligraphic Institute. Since
1983 she had worked with book design, multimedia, set design, painting
and graphics. 1986-1987 -made a number of kinetic objects for a
production of "What Happened after Salvation", costumes and decorations
for a performance "I am Faust". 1990 -stage-manager at "INTERSTUDIO"
theatre and lecturer at the International Studio of Synthesis &
Animation Theatre (Tsarskoye Selo). 1990-1991 - the author of set
design, costumes and puppet objects for a performance "Don Juan"
(Grand Prix at the festivals in Lugano and Athenes). 1991 - a series
of pictures, objects and drawings to "Stories about Lemons". 1992
- a series "Bird Stories". 1994 -fellowship from the Culture Ministry
of Schleswig-Holstein (Zaitsau Castle). Since 1996 has been working
with video art. The first video work by Galina Ledentsova was "Frog's
Spring", shown among other works of the participators of the exhibition
Emergency Exit", young artists of oInterstudio". -The exhibition
took place at TV Gallety. The installation "Frog's Spring" was one
of the best works at the exhibition.
- Moscow artists' exhibition (Moscow) 1987 - Moscow artists' exhibition
- A Girl with a Lemon. A16 Gallery (Zurich)
- Lemon Stories. Zur alten deutschen Schule Gallery (Thun, Switzerland)
- Life of Birds. Saagers Gallery (Zurich) Don Juan and Other Stories.
Festival KYKART I (Pushkin)
- Video installation "Frog's Spring" at the exhibition "Emergency
Exit", TV Gallery (Moscow)
- Video performance "Characteristics of the Cold" (Tsarskoye Selo)
- Video installation "For Maria Nikolayevna". Festival KYKART III
- Video installation "Frog's Spring II" at the exhibition "Keep
Away from a New Guy!" (Pushkin)
- Video installation "Radio Theatre". Spider & Mouse Gallery (Moscow)
- Video installation "Vera Pavlovna's Dreams. A's Escape" Art Fair
Moscow 98 (Moscow)
- Searching for Perfection , Tsarskoje Selo
- Eine kleine Nachtmusik, Tsarskoje Selo.