
"Where the wind blows", performance
"ArtKlyazma" festival, the boarding house "Klyazma
Reservior", Moscow region
project "Where the wind blows" is devoted to the actual
position of an artist, who has to serve to a Big Sponsor and his
capital. The project criticizes the situation, in which art has
to sell itself again and presents a real strip-show, performed by
professional strip-dancers at the "ArtKlyazma" festival.
The pole used by them is also a working weathercock, showing the
direction of the wind. On the special floor where the striptease
is performed there is a picture-portrait of President Cleveland
from the rare dollar bill of the highest denomination of $1000.
This image - an allusion of Big Capital - is a nonspectacular element
of the project.
The ESCAPE program is the weathercock that diagnosis and reflects
the situation, inevitably being a part of it. As it is stated by
Baulldriard in his book "Seduction" any movement, that
believes in the possibility of undermining the system from its basis
is naive".
According to the members of the ESCAPE program it is not as naive
as wily, for the criticism of the system is one if the most effective
strategies for obtaining a niche inside this system. This ambivalence
perhaps is the chief problem of the new vanguard art.
"Standing out against this background was a performance of
the ESCAPE group "Where the wind blows", which seemed
to be an only statement at the festival. Two half-naked girls were
"working" for two hours around a pole (which was also
a weathercock) fixed on the beach. The dance floor for them was
a picture of an American president from a thousand dollar bill.
The critical message implied was as follows: "Here you are
- get stuffed! If you don't want art, but want shows - look at the
nude chicks."
Maria Kravtsova "A fire in the outhouse, or an act of
bravery in the ice", "Art Chronicles" #5, 2003.
