Zoos", Non-Spectacular Performance. "Halt! Who is it?"
festival, Zoo, Moscow
make an excursion for spectators in Moscow Zoo. Program includes
meeting with 27 representatives of the world of animals and objects.
Each of them is named as one of the animals and exhibited next to
Author thanks all assistants for their help.
Duration: 1.5 hours.
(What follow is pun-based pairs; pairs are homonyms – words which
spelled the same but have different meaning in each case. Works
only in Russian).

1. duck – urinal
2. chiffchaff – foaming wash
3. jackdaw - tick
4. red-poll – tap-dance
5. jay - soy
6. magpie – night-dress
7. swallow – exercise belly-swan
and so forth
No. 8 -18
Other representatives of flora and fauna:
No. 19 – 27
