
group exhibition
curators of this exhibition make experiment, trying to determine,
what the art is - professional skills or perception? Whether an
artist may dare to relax and to be just a man - family man, the
tourist and to forget to choose the necessary foreshortening of
shooting? Or his "reasonable eye" all the same will unconsciously
arrange the picture on art canons ?
If in the fine art the genre of primitive has been legalized for
a long time, whether the primitiveness in a photo is possible? The
curators of an exhibition answer this question in the affirmative,
considering a genre of the amateur photo as one more genre of the
modern art.
Among participants of an exhibition, except for the members of program
Escape were about 40 known modern artists: J. Lejderman, I. Salnikov
and Н. Kotyel, G. Litichevsky, I. Valdron, TOTart group, and also
several artists from USA and Israel.
