
out - children! Or Beavis and Butthead are Here Already"
objects, video, ESCAPE gallery, Moscow, 1999.
Litvin the artist that entered Moscow art scene in early 1990s was
among initiators of the most radical trend of that period called
Moscow actionism. In 1993 together with A. Brenner and B. Mamonov
they formed a group "Without Name". The author of many street performances
and activities and of the project "You are My Temptation" after
a short break Anton Litvin recommenced his creative activity and
presented the exhibition "Look out - children!". Having deliberately
chosen the ESCAPE gallery as his new start place, Litvin clearly
declares that his art is connected with the new generation.

And the exhibition "Look out - children!" confirms this. Litvin
presents the world of child subconsciousness saturated with erotic
reveries, violence and phobias. Images created by him originate
from popular cinema ethics and mass media. Litvin is one of the
few Moscow authors who are concerned with the problem of self-identification
of the new generation in the post soviet environment. The artist
regards Russia as some naked ideological field, a huge bosom longing
for fulfilment and afraid of it at the same time. Behind monotonous
dialogues of Bivis and Butthad the artist clearly discerns hollow
roaring of new idols.
